"Its Milla-time..."
My friend and yours, Shane Miller came stateside(looking dapper as ever) and got hitched.
Shane and Kim, Chels and I bless you with Spirit-filled partnership and companionship. We bless you with joy in the discovery of each other and the mystery that is two becoming one. We bless you with encouragement in the months ahead and ask the Lord point-blank that He provide a way for you to be together. We love you.
On a side note...Although "milla-time" is a fine quote from one of the finest films ever made, I must leave you with one more:
"I make it rule never to get involved with the possessed. Well, actually its more of a guideline than a rule."
The aforementioned couple...
I like this picture because it looks like Kim has just married a free-floating head. Davey Lee Roth once sang "I ain't got nobody" and I always thought it was "I ain't got no body".
Speaking of nuptials...
I just hit the six month mark and thought I'd write my wife a verse.
My wife Chels is super-duper
Last week I ate blackened grouper
The fish was good dessert was too
Six months ago she said "I do".
Nevermind the seafood part
Chelsea Gail now owns my heart
I called her up at E's suggestion
That grouper gave me indigestion.
This is one of the many reasons why my wife is wonderful and much much smarter than I am...Yesterday the wife and I did nothing to speak of other than pancakes and a bit of laundry. the majority of the day was given to laying around and keeping cool. Well into the evening Chels said to me:
"You are such a good husband."
I thought about that comment and what, if anything I had done that day to warrant it. So I asked her:
"Babe, all I've done today is lay around and be lazy. What in the world have I done today to be a good husband?" She looked me right in the eye and said:
"You've been my friend today. That makes you a great husband."
Thereinlies more wisdom than I've ever heard from Jimmy Dobson. Chels I love you and the last six months have been the greatest of my life.
And finally...I'm going to take a tip from a buddy Myles and start a series on the ol' blog entitled:
"Why The Kelhoffer's Should Throw A Throwdown While The Robertsons Are In Town"
a persuasive essay in which I will walk readers from Kansas City to Texas through a step by step guide to the bash of the year that is to take place the week the New Year dawns.
That is all. See ya on the other side Ray.