Friday, November 04, 2005

I love bugs.

I was at the beach with my family on Halloween. I did not even know that it was Halloween. But had I known it was Halloween, and had I not been with my own family... I would have opted for this garden bunch.
The pea is Darin, the newest member of the Burdeaux clan... fresh home from a month in the hospital with fresh oygen to boot! Lord strengthen his lungs. Lord bless this family whom I love so much, and thank you for Joel and Heather who extend family to everyone they meet.


shantijoy said...

Ahhhh.. Thanks for honoring us on your blog!

zenner's said...

your too lovely... how could i simply let that picture pass by!


Esue said...

oh, my word...look at that preciousness. I wish yall lived a little took Arabella all of about 60 seconds to capture my heart!

Joel Burdeaux said...

I like this pic because it reminds me that my kids are really cool. That might sound silly, and a little obvious, but sometimes, in the middle of diapers, throwing food, and biting each other, a little reminder goes a long way.

They rock.