well... jesse is (obviously) absent from the blogging world these days. the man's working, working for the weekend and once there i monopolize his time. so the URG has taken on more of a femme feel in the recent months... and today i'm taking it up another notch.
I simply need to share my joy, because though they try, Jes and Jackson can't quite get on my page... though Jes did give a very encouraging cat call when I came into the room this morning wearing MY NEW JEANS.
I'm not a girl who has 12 pairs of jeans... I have A favorite pair of jeans and then one pair to wear when those are dirty. I've had my favorite pair for 4 years... I even refused to give them up throughout my pregnancy. My love for them stretched them to the limit where they now reside... bent and big. I can take them on and off without having to unbutton a single button. sigh. it has been time to move on for sometime now. what is awful about moving on is I HATE SHOPPING FOR JEANS. Nothing can make your body look more misshapen than jeans that are tight in the rear, huge in the waist and always too short, or their evil twin that cuts you in half in the waist exposing your chichos while giving you a baggy elephant butt. Mom offered to buy me a new pair of jeans for my big 30th birthday... to move me into my new decade in style. We shopped to no avail for 4 hours, ridiculous. I've now been shopping around for a month. It's bewildered the men in my life.
Saturday I found these 575's at a re-sale shop in lovely St. Louis. They are PERFECT. Seriously people, rejoice with me.
Monday, November 19, 2007
your trash. my treasure
Posted by
9:44 AM
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Um. Okay.
What are chichos.
Personally I wouldn't touch any jean that isn't A). 20 years old and B). Levi's 510's. You know the ones--ultra tight girl pants? Yeah, those. But actually I don't own any. I just daydream about them. They are so deck.
Did I mention I'm coming to Texas --say, Dec. 10thish? Yeah. Just saying.
woohoo sean in texas... need a place to stay?
and chicos are 'rolls' as in the ones that develop on your sides when your waist band is too tight.
The hamster and I would love to make a visit to see the fam. Mostly you and Jesse and Jackson, but the other family members need not fear--we'll look at them, too. So, I mean, could we?
absolutely seanboy
mi padres casa es su casa
sweet - thanks for the definition - i have chichos
chichos - not to be confused with chichona - a large breasted woman
I feel your plight. Well, not having stretched out my favorite pair during pregnancy, but the rest, mostly.
almost a whole month without a post - surely there are some good thanksgiving or christmas stories with a new little one - share the wealth
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