Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Fear and Loathing in Pre-K 3

If I have to open just one more can I'm going to vomit.


stevie said...

Why do they always feed these to children? What about Vienna sausages suggests "food for children"?

chelcg said...

no se amigo... no se.

Sean said...

I ate the crap out of these things when I was young.

travis said...

No baby, toddler, child, teenager, young adult, middle-aged adult, or senior citizen should eat those. Come on!- what are you doing?

Anonymous said...

never had one...i will consider myself fortunate.


Bonnie aka Truffles said...

Oh Stevie, you know you and I both were fed those blunt wieners as children and LOVED them.

Of course, Mother insisted on the all-beef variety. Healthier.

Gabe M.D. said...

"Libby, Libby, Libby, on your table, table, table...what are you complaining about? People in the D.R. have to eat vienna rollies everyday!