Monday, May 07, 2007

Dos Años

Two years, two countries and one baby ago I made a fantastic call and got married to this girl. That's her up there in left field.
Apparently last year we celebrated our Paper Anniversary; so called because of the "blank page waiting to be filled by our lives together." Chels and I decided to refer to it as our "Recycled Paper Anniversary" in an attempt to move towards a more green lifestyle. We got some funny looks referring to our marriage as 'recycled' though and eventually landed on the "100% Post Consumer Product Anniversary".
This year however its the Cotton Anniversary; so called because marriage is itchy and shrinks in hot water. And although that hasn't really been our experience, Aaron Neville says that cotton is the fabric of our lives and he's the romantic sort so I'm gonna run with it.
Also, according to, the appropiate gift for the Cotton Anniversary is China which makes no sense to me because human rights issues are not romantic.
Anyways. Here's to us babe. We're the best! I love you.


kaytie said...

Happy cotton Anni! I knew today seemed like a familiar date to me...congrats to you...can't wait till you're back home in the states!

Sean said...

I'll drink to that.

Esue said...

Feliz aniversario!

Anonymous said...


yeah, seaner showed up real late to your wettin' and then he came in smellin' like hamburgers. what a great friend.

Shane said...

this reminds me of that very funny rehearsal dinner - who was it that did the jesse imitation walk? that was brilliant.

Anonymous said...

good call, shane. that was jeremy kellhofer. and the best part of that imitation was jeremy doing the neck rub, jesse growing uncomfortable and doing the neck-rub also. classic.

plus all that free pacifico. thanx again, guys.

Anonymous said...

i'll take credit for the impersonation, but i won't admit to any obscene words, gestures, or the like that was brought on by kevin and i trying to sample 1 bottle of each type of brew they had...did you have to pay for that, or was there a set fee...i kinda feel bad now that i think about it.


Anonymous said...


i remember at one point in that evening - perhaps around bottle five or six - actually thinking to myself, "shucks, there're a few people here who still have the impression that i'm a super swell guy who writes bible studies for kids who can't even read, and here i am going downhill fast."

and then we tried another modelo.

Unknown said...

you know what an ano is right? better find your ñ!

zenner's said...

It was simple laziness.

Brian Braun said...

Ha, found ya. looks like you peeps are leading an interesting life? Where in Dom do you live? I fly there on occasion on my trips to Puerto Rico. Love to talk to you sometime. Give me a shout. Have fun

Brian Braun aka BB