Wednesday, February 22, 2006

The Brawl

My version of the story involves a domino game, a cockfight and Senor Ramirez. What's yours?


Sean said...

Jesse got a little tippsy and decided to make some midnight sushi...which turned into a bloodfest when he slashed his finger open a bit, requiring the bandaging, as seen above.

That, or he just punched a wall (breaking two knuckles) after realizing that People magazine is a weekly, but he only gets mail bi-monthly, decreasing his pure bliss.

lizza "maenali"

Esue said...

Oh, it's true. It's damn true. and i'll do it again too.

myleswerntz said...

It was bagel night at the factory, but not just bagel night--"child labor" bagel night, where the toddlers get to be in control of the machinery. needless to say, after two beers, Jesse decided that he was done with this nonsense, that the children must be set free, and valiantly started eating the bagels. the children whined and cried at the prospect of being out of work, at which point, jesse put his titanium-enforced fingers into the gears, stopping the factory and freeing both baby and bagel forever.

the bandages cover up the cosmetic surgery to keep Jesse's secret safe.

Esue said...

At least you've got something handy for the next time that happens?

So what really happened, and can I get one of those shirts when I come?

Esue said...
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Esue said...

Me: Do you have any warm bottles of bud?
Liquor store guy: What, are you going to cook with it or something?

--I'll keep looking...

hvhlp (have heterolifepartner)

Ryan said...

mine involves some ice cubes, a nine iron and a clarinet.

zenner's said...

sorry for withholding truth. jess was playing tackle football with the highschoolers. he's team won, though alas his ring finger was none the better for it.