"Its Milla-time..."
My friend and yours, Shane Miller came stateside(looking dapper as ever) and got hitched.
Shane and Kim, Chels and I bless you with Spirit-filled partnership and companionship. We bless you with joy in the discovery of each other and the mystery that is two becoming one. We bless you with encouragement in the months ahead and ask the Lord point-blank that He provide a way for you to be together. We love you.
On a side note...Although "milla-time" is a fine quote from one of the finest films ever made, I must leave you with one more:
"I make it rule never to get involved with the possessed. Well, actually its more of a guideline than a rule."
The aforementioned couple...
I like this picture because it looks like Kim has just married a free-floating head. Davey Lee Roth once sang "I ain't got nobody" and I always thought it was "I ain't got no body".
Speaking of nuptials...
I just hit the six month mark and thought I'd write my wife a verse.
"You are such a good husband."
I thought about that comment and what, if anything I had done that day to warrant it. So I asked her:
"Babe, all I've done today is lay around and be lazy. What in the world have I done today to be a good husband?" She looked me right in the eye and said:
"You've been my friend today. That makes you a great husband."
Thereinlies more wisdom than I've ever heard from Jimmy Dobson. Chels I love you and the last six months have been the greatest of my life.
And finally...
yeah...calling chels was quite possibly the best decision you ever made mr. robertson. good move. there is too much here to comment on...congrats shane and kim...at J and C's wedding 6 months ago she was barely a twinkle in your eye (I don't think...) amazing. oh, and TEXAS! i thought we were going to have a throwdown in the Lou. texas is much much farther!
the party is to be in st.louis. i was implying that i would want people there from all corners of the nation. including texas.
those of you reading and re-reading... we will be in Texas from Dec. 22 until about the 30th then to STL from the 30th until a Jan 6th fly off. Upon arriving in Texas we will first stop at Campi's straight from the airport, to be followed by Gloria's, the Blue Goose, Chuy's, a tub of Blue Bell and some EastZi's humus. As we eat our way through the Lone Star state I am confident of a Perroni's arrival in STL. sigh... it brings a tear to my eye. as did some of the pics from ESUE's BIRTHDAY BASH. The lovely lady is now 27th... a tribute is in the making.
i also ecco my husband with many lovin' spoon fulls to the newly duo-ed Miller's!
you Texas folks should start to plan a road trip up with us for the bash... hey kelhoffer's i hear there's going to be a party....
I'll break wind on Jesse's head. Count me in!
seany i have a blue windbreaker if you would like to borrow it for the occasion.
ah, matty... you have a place in the fold. the fellowship of the murray's affectionados... here, here!
I will really feel more comfortable if the Brock's weren't around. Matt keeps porn in his bookshelf in his living room. He subjugated Kara and I to his filthy pictures on Halloween. But Jeremy--can I come?
Jess and Chels,
Thanks for your blessings and well-wishes on our new marriage. We are blessed to know the love of the Lord in this new way.
Will be in Iraq during the holidays or I would come and see you in St. L.
And thanks to the rest of you for your comments as well in regards to us, the Millers. We feel encouraged and loved.
Kevin - did you ever get my e-mail?
I would like to let you know that your story about a lazy day and Chelsea valuing you was used by God to provide me with a much needed "breakthrough" and was probably the most meaningful event in my relationship with God since we moved back to Iowa.
Thanks for sharing the story. It brought a fresh revelation of God's unconditional love for me that had somehow been "lost" in my "mission mindedness."
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