Wednesday, October 05, 2005


The strangest thing about living in the Dominican Republic is that I use a floppy disc everyday.

Declarative sentence by Chelsea Robertson


Shane said...

gotta go with the memory stick

zenner's said...

hey shane.... we saw 'Dukes of Hazard.' I know that many will shun this experience. I find myself making excuses such as "it was that or Willie Wonka in spanish" (willie is creepy in the language of my birth, i would think even more so in a foreign tongue) so we chose a willie of a different nature. and i thought of you and your lunchbox, and Kim's lunchbox and the magnimity of the Lord. sheesh, them Duke boys...

Shane said...

chelsea - thanks for thinking of me and the soon-to-be-mrs

we are planning on seeing the dukes at some point in the future - we may even try to sneak in a lunchbox full of popcorn with a thermos full of "bee...." or "yeah, anything you want to keep cold, tommy boy"

i come by the religious fashion show everyday and smile as i see the posts and your comments on kevin and mark's blogs, etc...

i love you guys and pray for you often.