Monday, February 12, 2007

The Secret To Success: Sleep With Dudes!

I'm like MLK only with more money

It's been one of those weeks in the news that makes me grateful to not live in the States. But however hard I try, some madness always seems to creep through. My beloved Mark Cuban's interview concerning professionally gay athletes, um, gay professional athletes, has GOT to be the capper to seven days of diaper lined insanity:
"From a marketing perspective, if you're a player who happens to be gay and you want to be incredibly rich, then you should come out, because it would be the best thing that ever happened to you from a marketing and an endorsement perspective. You would be an absolute hero to more Americans than you can ever possibly be as an athlete, and that'll put money in your pocket."

Ah, the struggle for equality. Not to mention all the cash to be made fighting for it.


Sean said...

So all I have to do is sleep with dudes and I'll be rich and famous?

I'm coming to Texas within 365 of April 19th, if it kills me.

Esue said...

And then you've got Hardaway's response. Yowzer.